
Restaurant Fire Suppression

Restaurant Fire Suppression Systems are the first line of defense in the event of a kitchen fire. These systems are customizable to your specific kitchen design and equipment, giving you the best possible coverage.

Restaurant Fire Suppression Systems

According to the National Restaurant Association, 57% of all restaurant fires involve cooking equipment. This means the fire can be contained if you have a suppression system installed. Properly training your staff, cleaning up grease, and having a fire extinguisher readily available when fire breaks out in other conditions is still important, but you can cut down your fire potential by nearly 60%. Therefore, fire suppression system instantly becomes your first line of defense.

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The Basic Components of a Restaurant Fire Suppression System

While different brands provide slightly different features, they all feature many of the same basic components to protect your commercial kitchen in the event of a fire. Most restaurant fire suppression systems are connected to your cooking station in two key places:

  • The gas line running through the cooking station
  • The hood over your cooking station

When the fire suppression system is tripped, it automatically shut off the gas line, immediately stopping the fuel source of the fire. However, depending on the fire (such as a grease fire), it may still burn on and threaten to spread.

To handle this, nozzles are installed through the ventilation system in the hood over your cooking station. These nozzles will discharge a specially designed fire suppressant. The suppressant is a liquid-based chemical with a special compound designed to combat grease fires. As the extinguished fire creates a considerable amount of smoke, the hood kicks on, removing the smoke from the kitchen.

When actuated quickly, these systems are exceptionally efficient and can put out commercial kitchen fires in seconds. The speed of a restaurant fire suppression system is necessary to ensure that the fire doesn’t spread, protecting your staff and other important components of your kitchen.

Like any fire suppression system, your kitchen’s system will require some regular maintenance. Our licensed, factory-trained technicians will keep your system operating safely and in accordance with all fire codes.